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Hi, this is the Red Terror Anti-news hour. A combination of news and opinion I guess. It's called anti-news hours because it's based on critiquing the whole idea of news, the whole condition of media. And while "the news" is something that appear to go on and on, always with something "new" , the condition of media and the condition of this society stay remarkably constant.

So I often wind-up, painting the same picture, coming to the same conclusion, over and over again, just because we all stay all the same condition, the condition of waiting for real life to begin, waiting to have the experiances we dream about, and so-forth.


So anyway, in the calender, it's getting close to Y2K. It would nice if civilzation fell but I've seen any indications yet. Still mark you calendar.

And just in case civilization doesn't collapse, a comrade name Nestor Makno should be appearing on the television show "politically incorrect" in about a month or so - taping will be the tenth of next month and later we'll know the date.


I have a web site - in fact, if anyone wants to comment about this show, feel free to go to

www.againstsleepandnightmare.net/. Anyway, recently, I got a trickle of comments on my site recently - which is still more than usual. So I thought I'd share them with you.

I mean really, some these are just so characteristic of how people think today, they are like perfect test tube sample. Anyway.



At 21:06:27 PST on 12-17-99, Nick wrote:

>Although I feel our government has some serious issues to address

>I feel that some of your goals are a little too late.

>I do not feel

>personally responcible for theft of land from the Native American,

>for slavery. This does not mean I don't have any sorrow for the

>people who have suffered!

>I personally work in an industry that if

>the drugs you have mentioned are legalized would place myself as

>well as my family in danger!

>Although teen pregnancy and std is

>high, I believe that the real problem in America today is parental

>education and parental rights.

>I feel strongly that since parents

>have lost there ability to disiplin or correct there children

>without the threat of child divorce or going to jail for a well

>needed swat on behind is the direct cause of school shootings and

>federal building bombings.

>The thought of removing any guns from

>circulation makes me sick! What do you think has kept America free

>all these years?

>You talk about freedoms and rights but I think if

>you take a good look around the world we have it pretty damn good.

>Don't get me wrong I think you do have some good ideas I just feel

>you have gotten a little carried away.

>The only way we are going

>to keep America great is through Education and living the way our

>founding forefathers wrote our laws.



I'm glatified that someone with so divergent a perspective would take the time to actually respond on this site. It seems like it shows we are in a time of relative ferment - the possibility of total change is once again on people minds.


>Although I feel our government has some serious issues to address

>I feel that some of your goals are a little too late.

Perhaps, my goals are too late but I don't feel personally responsible for other people them into effect earlier - I deal with now. As far as too little - I want the abolition of this society and  everything it stands, it's way of life and attitude. I think  once we have that we can decide if there's any further to go.


>I do not feel

>personally responcible for theft of land from the Native American,

>for slavery. This does not mean I don't have any sorrow for the

>people who have suffered!

Gee, I don't either. I no interest in guilt or politics motivated by guilt. Everything I want is for myself - it's only a natural, obvious coincidence that is a life worth living. It has to do with humans being a highly social species.

But that also has to do with the fact that I give the snarling, screaming beast America as little consent as practical. Not all the attrocities happened in the distant past - remember children being naplamed in Vietnam and  the Army A-bombing hiroshima (America is the only nation to use nuclear weapons against a civilian population, Germany was not the only nation to have death camps, where the "unique evil"?)


I'm against morality. I have no use for it. If I use a moral argument, it's only to twist the contradiction of that kind of thinking until it breaks. So here's another thing to think about.

A lot of folks' morality, especially guilt connected morality is of the absolvement from blame. This is reasoning where you rather than doing good you simply protect yourself from doing evil. You protest your innocence of this or that - say slavery or the slaughter of the indians. But even a fool like Jesus could show that real doesn't work - unless you're really working to make things better, you are part of the whole mess.

Indeed, no morality works - we're guilty. So we can keep life or keep morality. I keep life -which is more than survival.


>I personally work in an industry that if

>the drugs you have mentioned are legalized would place myself as

>well as my family in danger!

I am not particularly in favor of legalization of drugs. Legalization and illegalization are both seperate ways to regulate dugs.  Each searches a purpose for the market economy.Instead, I'm in favor of the abolition of the market economy itself, capitalism (See "anti-capitalist web"?). This means get rid of the whole shebang - why your industry itself, whatever it is, probablywouldn't exist. And with crime as we know it wouldn't exist either.


>Although teen pregnancy and std is

>high, I believe that the real problem in America today is parental

>education and parental rights.


Problem for who? The rulers of America more or less have decided to decrease a lot of the ability for parents to make choices about the condition of their children.

But that's their game plan.  It's funny how people have been trained to talk about "America's problem." But if you think about it - not only are "America's problem.", "America" only comes to you to see how well a preplanned solution will fly. No matter what solution you dream up for America's problems, America, the massive Ferderal and State bureaucracies, could give a damn for you and your solutions. But talking about America's problems give a person an illusionary connection to the coridors of power - and the coriidors of power do like that.

So instead, why not ask yourself,

What is your game plan? What will you do?


And also, as far as teen pregnancy goes, you most likely really mean teen sex, since the entire repressive order of this society - suppressing birth control and abortion, encouraging women to "leverage" their pregnancy into a relationship, and so-forth, is oriented towards making teen sex into teen pregnancy.

But in anycase, the strange thing is how parents are themselves entirely ignorant that in other cultures and even in earlier American cultures, marraige and pregnancy were common at ages of 13 to 15.

Not that I like this - really I'm against marraige at any age. But thing to notice is that parents are today no more repositories of tradition than their children.

The Parents of today are a product of this atomized society. They get their information from the half-remembered television shows. And this really is what we all do if we fall back on common sense, on the stimulous response of news shows and gossip.

And reading this, notice how this fellow not takes his answers from talk show wisdom but takes his conception of MY ideas from talk shows. Believe, their really isn't anything resembling the standard liberalism this fellow attacks on my website. You could well say that each person has a left-winger and a right-winger in their head, spewing out canned answers. I say kill them both - not a compromise between them but kill them both.

Further we have


>I feel strongly that since parents

>have lost there ability to disiplin or correct there children

>without the threat of child divorce or going to jail for a well

>needed swat on behind is the direct cause of school shootings and

>federal building bombings.


I agree that the school shootings lately have been used as a pretext to massively increase repression in this country. But the media is going to parrot the voice of it's master - do you really thing you could get Dan Rather to say anything different? So you are expecting to solve "problems" for "America" - America instead expects to solve YOU - you are America's problem.


Actually, it should be fairly obvious that kids shooting up schools are motivated by the horrific quality of life today. Depair today is so ever-present that many folks think alot about what they will  do when they finally "crack." Do you still think we don't have  a problem here? Earth, do you read? Hello? Earth

But more seriously, another to describe things is what an intense gulf there is between people's conscious and unconscious dialogues. In one way, people are encouraged to have a liberal and conservative in their heads, in another people have a patient and a doctor in their heads.

The doctor cooperates with making things normal and patient protests more and more. And again, get over both of these.


>The thought of removing any guns from

>circulation makes me sick! What do you think has kept America free

>all these years?



Yeah, I remember all those years of freedom - NOT.

What do you think has kept America free all these years?

Probably the same thing that kept Santa coming all these years.


Considering that what nightmare this country is, why would anyone

want to keep it the way it is.


But I do actually agree that is better to keep guns in the hands of the average person for exactly the opposite reason - in time of ferment, this could create possibilities. But that is most like exactly why there has been such a rage of gun control lately - the powers-that-be just don't as comfortable with folks who are getting poorer-and-poorer having those weapons.


>You talk about freedoms and rights but I think if

>you take a good look around the world we have it pretty damn good.


Gosh, I think you must be halucinating some different web site or other. I talk about revolution but I don't talk about freedom and rights. Neither really means anything except in the context of the organization of society.  Now, at present, some parts of America have more pseudo-priveledge than, say, Indosnesia. But since this pseudo-priveledge is just a part of the entire world-system, since the American state is one of the lynch-pins of the world-capitalist system, anything we do to weak it can just as much serve to make things better as well. And the power of the US is also the power of the CIA to install various regimes in, say, Indonesia, as they have done before.


Also, virtually every country's media is more willing to cast a bad light other countries than themselves. There are American political prisoners and occasionally prisoners, such as Lorenzo Kumbao Ervin, are let out of American jails because of international preasure. America will occasionally put human rights preasure on other countries for the same reason. Each country enjoys a bit the spectacle of making another one look bad in the very areas of international public opinion.


>Don't get me wrong I think you do have some good ideas I just feel

>you have gotten a little carried away.

Really? What ideas of mine do you agree with?

I don't really think in terms of having seperate ideas but in terms of having a single world-view. I tend to think that things will come down a confrontation where we must ruthlessly confront the authorities. So thus, we be roughly together or absolutely appart.


Fortunately or unfortunately, we aren't there yet, so we can  continue the debate.


Moreover, I suspect the reason the writer feels any sympathy with me is because they unconsciously as very ill-at-ease with the condition of life today, evern if they have only the language of the mainstream to express it with.


>The only way we are going

>to keep America great is through Education and living the way our

>founding forefathers wrote our laws.


First, we don't have to worry about keeping America great. 

In ways, America is already becoming greater and greater. It is becoming better and better at doing the things that it has always done. Sell crap, co-op the opposition, brutalize those who won't go along, create illusionary enemies (from indians to terrorist and everywhere inbetween), make a segment of folks feel they give some "previledge" from being part of a linch-mob, and so-forth.


America does have some problems - people are starting to figure out that they are still getting poorer in the middle of a "recovery." People are just as much waking to the horrors of consumer society.  The massive coruption, and scheming occasionally surfaces. (Clinton and Bush jr. sold drugs for Bush sr. - it seems likely that the White House will be occupied by SOMEONE who was in  the "Iran-contra-concain" scam FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE,  how does that grab your freedom loving America sensibilities)


Keeping America anyways seems pretty impossible - the powers-that-be are moving as quickly as they can to turn this place into a computerized dungeon - retinal scans for your groceries are right around the corner. With luck, rebellion may turn this  place into a memmory. But nothing, no force, can keep it the way it is.


As far as education and the founding fathers go... Education is funny. First of, few folks ever learned anything in school besides obdience. But today, education is merging with entertainment, with television and the entire stream of information productions. It is like we'll get more education in the sense of propaganda. What good that will do? I see little.


Now, the founding father only wrote the constitution and few laws  like "no dancing on Sundays" or "the man must on top during sex." Remember, the President was originally elected by the notables of the nation, not the population - there wasn't a pretext of democracy in the original America - it was Republic, not a Democracy. (that only came later, in the ear of Andrew Jackson and the pretext  was - well just a pretext. And don't think I'm saying I want democracy). 

And things like "freedom of speech" has never been effectively  protected in this country. Or more accurately, present day America  has far more freedom of speech than was has historically existed  in this country.

Have you've ever heard the phrase "freedom of speech does not give you the right to shout fire in a crowded theater,"? That was used by Chief Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes in justifying the Palmer Raider during WWI where member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) were rounded up and imprisoned for the crime of .. being members of  the IWW. And this was justified on the pretext of the IWW organizing against World War I - which involved no danger except the danger that America wouldn't be able enforce it's imperialist interests. In other words, America great claims of balanced and consider  application of laws are a sham for monied interests driving this place.


Oh, very funny.


It's funny how people who really have very little power or influence hate things that SAY they aren't important.  Is your boss your dictator? No but money somehow control your life still huh? This web site talks all about the real conditions of life here and even a little about that in the Soviet Union.

But somehow Spock can reach into his reptile brain and come up with the term Dictator.


Funny, actually, how similar in many ways life in the US and life in the former Soviet Union was. They were/are just ruled by bureaucrats. Bureaucratics are less exciting but they are the ones that push us around in our mass-zeck-peon existence.


The communism I'm talking about is totally different - more like a primative tribe than Russia. But I don't mind being mis-understood by the folks like "spock" because it should be obvious he'll speak in the cliches he knows - at least until something decisive bursts his bubble.






At 02:06:34 PST on 08-17-99, spock wrote:


>You must be a person striving to be a dictator or you're an idiot. 

>The U.S. system of government is as good as any and better than

most communist governments every established. 

what does communisn have to offer. Basically programs to keep

people equal. if one starves they all starve.

the U.S. have that and they also give people the chance to

make themselves in the world. and best of all we can

change are rules if we want.

Not like some evil dictatorship like every communist government

has turned out.



At 11:24:14 PST on 04-21-99, Mark Taylor wrote:


>At 17:10:15 PST on 02-15-99, <A HREF="164.html">Woodrow Wilson wrote</A>:


>>Revolution for the sake of rebellion is absurd.

Boy. It pretty impossible considering how many highly motivating

reasons there are to rebel.


>>Revolution creates bloodshed and annimosity toward fellow man.

Where life during today's peace is also good at that?

Did you know that during the height of the Vietnam war, more

people still died in auto accidents in the US?


>>Yes, there are some major problems with the Capitalist system. It has little to

>>no accountability it exploits all resouces,

>>be them natural of human.

It's heading the planet to utter destruction, minor things like that.


>>Your fighting a lost cause(literally) my friend.


>>Am I to believe that my life will be altered for

>>the better when this "political elite" takes charge and

>>the "finacial elite" is slaughtered?


>>Power corrupts. I don't want it.

Perhaps the power think clearly would corrupt you also, so I can see

your predicament.





Milton Erickson spent seven months paralyzed by polio, able to only breath and move his eyes. He was lucky that he was spent the time in his family's farm house with his seven brothers and sisters.

Being only able to look and listen to what was happening in front of him, he was came notice the details of the conscious and unconscious behaviors of people in great detail.

One thing he noticed was that often was said by people had a fantastically different quality than the posture and the way people actually related to each other. He noticed double takes between people and even tripple takes. 

Unfortunately or fortunately, not many people have the time or opportunaty to really notice human behavior in detail.

The one thing that is really worth thinking about is that we are animals, that every single person's unconscious demenor bristles with a characteristic energy that can be aggressive or inviting, curious or threatening. You can't not have a posture.

And other thing is that we are animals put into cages. Even more than dogs or lab-rats, we've adjusted consciously to being limited. Just think about children - one of the most characteristic learning a child can be given of to stay out of the street. And that is exactly the experiance of limiting the natural surveying and exploration of the environment.

One critical part of adaptation is that our conscious minds often justifies the conditions of our existence. Those who must work to maintain their position naturally are willing to justify what they do. From bosses to police to store owners, everyone with a position naturally justifies themselves.

And indeed, those with nearly nothing can sometimes be willing to justify it also. This is similar to a woman with a jerk boyfriend who pleads with him to be nice but by her attention, her ineffectuality and the way his jerkiness plays back onto her social power - if he's bullying someone, she gets to be the companion of a bully.

If you've ever noticed how dogs can sometimes get a similar personality to its owner. Think about someone who castigates their dog for barking but uses a nice tone of voice that naturally convinces the dogs their doing a good thing.


So what's really happening between people is very interesting and complex. We know someone aspects of the effects of human domestication but we certainly will not learn all of them. Our lives are too complex to fully analyze.

One larger tendency that many people have talked about is incongruity. By the fact of being cages, by the need to adapt our organic needs to an automatic, mechanical order, we wind up split in half. I've already gone over some of the incongruites in the ideas that the person posting to my web site had. It's inportant to realize that incongruity today is universal things.


Illegalism and mass organization

Hmm, Eugene does have a strong illegalist contingent. This the anarchist strain that determines to make either revolution or their own destruction through the